Sunday, May 7, 2017

Operation Clean Up

A positive crowd showed up to this awesome event in beautiful Laurelton.  The only way we can keep our neighborhood clean is by doing it ourselves.  Before we started we received a pep talk from some citizens who have lived here for over 30 years.  They painted a picture of just how glorious this neighborhood was back in the days.  We owe it to them to restore this gem.

If you missed yesterday's event you have four more chances to show your Laurelton Pride!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Back in September I wrote a post about the Duane Reade in Laurelton located at 23001 Merrick Blvd.  It looks like they removed the overflowing clothing drop but we should still try and work with them to have them touch up this building and repave the lot.  I encourage you to call or email them to join me in this effort.  

  • Pave the parking lot.
  • Clean up the Clothing Drop.
  • Clean and paint the exterior of the building.
Contact Duane Reade Consumer Relations at (800) 925-4733 or